Thursday, September 10, 2015

Taking a Break from Technology

The idea: What if we turned off the internet for two weeks?

Take a technological fast....a digital sabbatical.....

This is not the most popular challenge we have ever done...

in is quite possibly the least popular ( at least with our sons)

Mark and I have talked about the impact of technology on our family many times.

The amount of time playing video games is a hot topic....but we also notice that at night we are most likely to all be on separate devices.  I know I check my email more times than I need to....because I can.  And I turn on my lap top whenever I am bored.

We have tried setting internet free day a week, no internet after 9pm.   This has its merits, though it also makes either Mark or I feel like the internet police.  Who gets the popular job of reminding people it's time to get off?

Mark's suggestion was to try a complete fast.  Go cold turkey for long enough that we get our technology habits out of our systems.  

One week?  Mark thought..not long we ( meaning Mark and I ) decided to try two weeks for the first experiment.

I've been doing some checking...there are people "in this sandbox"

The Creative Benefits of taking Mini-Sabbaticals from all your Various Screens

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