Wednesday, September 16, 2015

It's Over

Our one week Tech Fast officially ends today. 
Which means I can now blog from home...which I am doing

Some lessons learned  ( from my perspective)
I check email a lot. 
I check it because I can not because I need to. Really, any time there was a pause in my life, I reached for my phone.    And, once I am on email, I often get sucked into other things.  I'm considering scheduling time to check my email. 

Limiting access frustrated some people. 
I was surprised and uncomfortable by this.  I don't like to upset people. Next time I will do a better job of letting people know when I'm available and how to contact me if you REALLY need a response quickly.  And, I want to experiment with how to use technology in ways that support my I may have to get more comfortable with people being frustrated with me ( this may include my kids.)

It was challenging business-wise
Technology takes some bandwidth for me. I am learning a lot related to how to run a small business...including quite a bit of online learning.  I do have easy access to the library and there were times when it was not convenient.  And I lived through it. 

I liked my off line time
I read, drew, talked with people, went on my walks, went to bed early.  It was healthy to have protected off line time.  I would do it again.

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