1. When I asked the servcer "Would it be possible to put my salad on a paper plate instead of plastic?" I had to ask twice because he had no idea what I was talking about. It was a good reminder. There is education still to do.
2. I wouldn't have brought all my reusable stuff if one of my co-workers hadn't asked "Aren't you going to bring...?" It reminded me how important it is to tell people if you are trying to change behavior. Social supports really do make a difference! I'm going to look for a little travel set of silverware...small, easy to pack in my back pack, so I don't have to use plastic silverware.
BUT this idea...to bring your own silverware is JUST for places that would normally serve plastic, right? No point in bringing it restuarants that already use washable silverware! Obviously McDonalds and Wendys,etc. Yes, someone needs to get busy and advertise small real silverware packets BUT then what do you do with them? No plastic bags so how do I get them back home to wash them? Mom
In China, people would bring their own chopsticks to restaurants. They are easy to put in your purse or NOT PLASTIC bag. Carrying around a cotton handkerchief is useful as well to not only blow your nose and such, but to also carry home your dirty chopsticks!!
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