Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yea South Australia!!!

As of 1 January 2009, South Australian retailers and shoppers have four months to become accustomed to life without lightweight checkout style plastic bags. The government in that state will as of 4 May 2009 impose fines of up to $5,000 AUD on retailers using that form of bag. Even 100% degradable plastic bags will be banned, as they just break down into smaller plastic shards of plastic anyhow. (from treehugger)


Ginny Stiles said...

I think this should be a rule world wide AND no more styrafoam..that stuff is insane!!! I read somewhere that Walmart was not going to use plastic bags...whatever happened to that idea? Half the bags in the US would be eliminated.

Juliestest said...

We couldn't agree more!! We are writing to Mayor Dave promoting a bagfree madison...but what about WI governor!!