Friday, January 30, 2009

Cheese Please

Here we are making mozzarella cheese..from scratch. We did this for three reasons.
1. We want to include actions that are fun.
2. You can only buy cheese in plastic. So the only we to get plastic free cheese is to make your own. 3. We LOVE cheese.

What we learned. It was easy. Fast ( about 30 minutes) Delicious!! Want to try it yourself? We ordered Ricki's 30 minute mozzarella kit from the New England Cheesemaking Co

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Plastic Bag Update

We are using BioBag for our trash.

They are thinner and more fragile than regular plastic bags. We can't stuff them full, so sometimes have to take out trash more often. For us, it is incentive to keep our amount of trash down.

They are more expensive than conventional trash bags but no polyethylene used to produce them and they are 100% biodegradable and 100% compostable. We will use these until we find a better option.

2. We have not taken any new plastic bags when shopping!! We are using ( almost exclusively) cloth bags. I ran into trouble yesterday when I did a big shop at Woodmans and ran out of bags and had to use some paper. :(

Current challenges: 1. How to keep produce fresh in the fridge? Right now we are re-using plastic bags.

2. Plastic bottle caps: these are currently not recyclable and are causing havoc with wild animals that eat them and when their bellies are full of plastic, they starve.

( Please note: Ben's dour expression is related to the job of taking out the garbage and should not be construed as a comment on the BioBag he is holding.)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Paper Please

I shopped at Woodman' employee owned grocery store in Madison. I was really focused on not buying things in plastic. I found juice in glass jars, tins and cans. And frozen veggies in cardboard boxes. They don't have a bulk section but most of the veggies are in big boxes and you pick out what you need ( no plastic bags!)

I brought canvas bags but ran out so asked for paper. I didn't watch closely enough. I ended up with two plastic bags ( for apples and soap.) In the future, I will make a stronger statement. "I'm trying very hard to not use plastic at no plastic bags please."

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Out to Lunch

I went out to lunch with co-workers this week. Here I am with my own mug and silverware. We picked a restaurant that served on paper. I learned two things.

1. When I asked the servcer "Would it be possible to put my salad on a paper plate instead of plastic?" I had to ask twice because he had no idea what I was talking about. It was a good reminder. There is education still to do.
2. I wouldn't have brought all my reusable stuff if one of my co-workers hadn't asked "Aren't you going to bring...?" It reminded me how important it is to tell people if you are trying to change behavior. Social supports really do make a difference! I'm going to look for a little travel set of silverware...small, easy to pack in my back pack, so I don't have to use plastic silverware.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Why We are the Them?

About two years ago I was complaining to my husband that in the US we talk about our rights..but rarely our responsibilities. When there is a problem...we moan about "them" and if only "they" would do something. I said "There is no "them" it's all us." To which my husband challenged "You should write a book titled We are the Them." I haven't written a book, but maybe this blog is one step closer. This blog is about our family picking one focus for each month and instead of talking about it..doing something.

The Dangers Of Plastic Bags

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yea South Australia!!!

As of 1 January 2009, South Australian retailers and shoppers have four months to become accustomed to life without lightweight checkout style plastic bags. The government in that state will as of 4 May 2009 impose fines of up to $5,000 AUD on retailers using that form of bag. Even 100% degradable plastic bags will be banned, as they just break down into smaller plastic shards of plastic anyhow. (from treehugger)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Why Salamander Lady?

Last year, Nate, Ben and I participated in the first survey of salamanders in Wisconsin. We surveyed the pond at Holy Wisdom monastery. We had to check the traps for 10 days. When we got there each day the staff would say..."The Salamander Lady is here." I love that title!

This year our family has decided to focus on one environmental action each month. This blog will help us keep track of what we accomplish.

This month's action...use less plastic. We will try to not buy any new plastic ( of any kind) and to reduce our use of plastic in anyway we can.

What we have done so far:
1. Shopped at Willy St coop. We brought all of our own bags and the majority of our purchases were produce and bulk. Nate and Ben got to pick out lunches and they did choose two kinds of meat that both came packaged in plastic.
2. Replaced the boys lunch box water bottles with metal. These were expensive ( $17 each!) But Ben says the water tastes better.
3. The boys packed their lunches with out plastic bags. Nate used tin foil. Ben used waxed paper.