Thursday, March 12, 2015

Happiness is...

soy milk creamer and a Mighty Muffin!

Who would have thought I'd be happy about soy milk creamer :)

 I really like coffee with cream. I tried almond milk and it just didn't cut it so I was getting ready to go with out coffee ( gasp from coffee drinkers).

Turns out there must be quite a few vegan coffee lovers who don't drink black coffee.  There are multiple kinds of creamers to try.

Breakfast has been a ho hum granola... fine but not very filling. So we checked out Rip's online recipes and chose the Mighty Muffin.   To say these are filling is an understatement.  You make them with 3 cups of oat bran and 6 bananas.  These things are  meal.

Our first dinners were disappointing.  We tried a chili and a Hunan hotpot.  Both C-...not awful but certainly not anything exciting.  We were not looking forward to dinner.   Mark said " We can do better than this!"

So we went online.  Rip, who inspired this whole adventure has recipes that look amazing (hoping it isn't just that he as an awesome photographer.)  And so does Fork Over Knives and my sister suggested Whole Foods  (which has a getting started vegan section with recipes)

We love food and this challenge was not about deprivation.  We knew we might need to "educate our palate: ( pretty sure Rip said something like that) but we are pretty sure there are recipes we will be excited about...and that is part of why we are doing this challenge.  We want to widen our food horizons...and ramp up the plants.

The next adventure...I visit my son Ben at Conserve school this weekend where he has quite a few vegan friends so I am going to try my hand at baking vegan cookies.

photo source:  Engine2Diet

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