Monday, October 12, 2009

Our beloved Dexter

Here is why we haven't been blogging about food.

The boys' pet rat Dexter got a brain tumor. She wasn't able to stay upright ( she fell to the left) and couldn't use her left front paw. She would just sit in her cage because it was so hard to move around. We made the very difficult decision to put her to sleep. It was a very sad day for all of us. She is buried now ( with two M and Ms....a rat's dream) in our backyard next to her sister Lyra. It is hard to lose someone you love.
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Beth Albright said...

So sorry about Dexter. We know how much you guys loved him!

Ginny Stiles said...

It is hard to lose even a dear rat. You have known and loved her well. Despite a slight aversion to rats in general, I do understand and I am sorry for your family loss. Hugs to you all. Mom