Sunday, February 1, 2009

February Action: Reduce Trash

Our focus this month is to reduce the amount we throw away.
We started out by weighing our trash so we would have a baseline.
Amount of trash we threw away this week: 7lbs.


Ginny Stiles said...

7 lbs is fantastic. Good job.
Do you think you could sew me a few lightweight cotton bags that I can use for bulk veggies? Great Chrisitmas gifts!. Could be decorated with magic markers..."I am a veggie bag. Weigh me!" Or I wonder if we could recycle old onion bags...the mesh kind. Just keep some in the canvas grocery bags! it has to be very lightweight so as not to add to the weight of the bulk items! Ginny

Juliestest said...

It is on my list for this week to try sewing veggie bags so we can try them out when we shop this Saturday. I'll let you know how I do. :) We do also keep the mesh bags from onions and potatoes so we will try those out too!