Senator Risser, We brought our sons, Nate and Ben with us today, because conservation is about them and their future.
The highlight of our summer is our trip to the north woods to our grandparents' cabin on Lake Tippicanoe. Nate and Ben are two of the best froggers in Wisconsin. If there are frogs...they can find them. But each year it is harder and harder to find frogs. Each year, the level of our beloved Lake Tippicanoe is lower than the last. Water levels have fallen over 2 feet in the past few years. Folks who grew up on Lake Tippicanoe tell us what is used to be like..."so many frogs they kept you awake at night"...I don't want Nate and Ben to have to tell their children what Wisconsin "used to be like."
Senator Risser will you support legislation to protect all of Wisconsin's lakes, rivers and wetlands by basing ground water withdrawals on scientific standards and requiring a statewide water conservation program?
This is one of four conservation priorities that we presented to Senator Risser and Rep. Berceau's aid. Luckily for us, both our legislators have a strong committment to conservation and most of our job was to thank them for their work so far and urge them to continue.
After our long day as lobbyists...we treated ourselves to Coldstone Creamery ice cream. Treats are important to lobbyists.