Monday, May 16, 2011

Buy Nothing New Meets Birthdays

Ben turned 13 this past weekend. There was concern about how we would handle birthdays this year.

Mark was quite pleased with his hunting and gathering prowess...he managed to get both gifts on Ben's wish list second hand. One was the Ranger's Apprentice Book just came out recently so we were a little concerned...but obviously some people buy them, read them and sell them back. used books.

The second gift was a play station move controller ( think Wii). Mark had already gotten one controller ( used) so had been watching for a second one.

What about the kids attending? We went "gift free" a number of years ago. The boys were getting gifts they didn't use and a few other families had already started the we followed along and there was no turning back. This has worked out fine...our focus is on good food, an awesome cake and something special for entertainment. This year was laser tag ( past years have been canoe trip on the Wisconsin River, a rendezvous,and a treasure hunt at Devil's Lake)

Nate's birthday is in July... We'll see how that goes :D


Elizabeth said...

Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday Ben! I still remember the first time you and your brother came to stay with Uncle Jack and I for weekend. You were about 18 months old. You were in a biting "stage" which was new to me....and memorable. You were a wonderful snuggler and loved to be read to. You also ate about 3 adult size pieces of lasagna for dinner one night.

We love you!

sangeee said...

That looks delicious! Good luck in the contest. (Gosh, I want all of my favorite bloggers to win!!!)

Gas Salamander