Sunday, April 24, 2011

Irons and Friends

Our iron died about a month ago. At first, I thought no big deal...we hardly ever use the iron. But after going to work in wrinkled clothes a few days I realized I used it more that I thought.

A quick trip to St Vinnys' luck.

I borrowed an iron from a friend who "hardly ever uses it" but this was not a long term solution.

Luckily for me, I have awesome co-workers!
Sarah, who thought to ask " Did you find an iron yet?" and
Kyle, who said " I didn't know you need an iron, I have two and don't use either one. You can have one of mine."

So I hadn't even posted to Facebook or Freecycle and already have a new ( used) iron! (Kyle said he got if from St Vinny's!)

Kyle and his #2 iron...before they parted ways.


Barb said...

Julie, My son works at St Vinnie's in Stoughton. If there is ever anything in particular you need, let me know and I can ask him to keep an eye out.


Juliestest said...

Wow ..what a great offer...we may take you up on it..we still have eight months to go.