Today I realized we didn’t have pita bread for dinner. Luckily Mark had the car because it would have been tempting to make a quick run to the store.
I decided to shop at Whole Foods: I can walk there, they carry organic and some local and I can recycle both plastic bags and #5 plastic.
Beautiful quiet walk (since neither of the boys was interested in coming along)
I stopped at Bagels Forever. Good local bagels, cheap and no plastic!
At Whole Foods, it took longer to shop since I don’t know where everything is and I am reading labels to see if there is a local or organic option. Whole Foods seems expensive but the positive side is
-beautiful place to shop
-easy to find either local or organic. They are carrying more local now but they should take a tip from Willy St Coop and make their buy local tags a different color.
-really good taste tests. I felt rewarded for shopping!
I did buy too much so my backpack was heavy on the way home ( felt I was 2 inches shorter by the time I got home)
All in all, it was a good trip. Took longer but on the “Living our Values “ scale= 100%
We don't have anything like Willy Street Co op down here in the Chicago suburbs. But we do have Whole Foods and Trader Joes. Shopping in these stores always make me feel more like I am "investing in my health" (although you are right about cost). We do have lots of farmers markets but most are during the week (when did Wednesdays between 7 and 11am become the day and time for shopping. These are out best options for local.
We have a Farmer's market on Wed too...I always want to get there..but rarely works out. I love shopping at Whole Foods ..but we call it whole pay check. We don't feel we can shop there for everything...seems to expensive.
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