It has been hard for me to follow what is happening with the oil spill off the Gulf coast. Since I can't be there to help in a hands on way..I needed to find some other way to help. Here are the three things I did.
1. I donated money to Audubon. They'll be organizing volunteers for wildlife rescue and beach clean-up, as well as researching the effects of the spill on habitats in the weeks and months following its landfall. I chose Audubon because I have been a member for years and they are a well established non-profit with a long history of environmental work.
2. I filled out the National Wildlife Federation’s form letter to President Obama asking that the Gulf Coast be restored so that the world and our children know that we ( as a country) take responsibility for our mistakes.
3. I also filled in the Sierra Club’s form letter to let the President know that I don’t want to be responsible for anything like this happening ever again….so I support ending off shore drilling and looking for long term, sustainable solutions to meet our energy needs.
I got my ideas from Ten Things You Can Do
Fort Jackson, Louisiana International Bird Rescue Research Center
Thanks for sending the link for 10 things to do. It is so hard to know how to help with these kinds of horrible situations. I like the ones you did and will probably do the same.
I have vivid memories of the pictures from Alaska when the Valdez broke up. Same helpless feelings, but glad those who were close by up there were able to start the clean-up. Folks along the Gulf, unfortunately, are used to being ready for action.
This drilling further out on the fringes obviously brings higher risks. It's another indication that peak oil has arrived, requiring more effort and expense to retrieve existing oil.
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