Sunday, April 18, 2010

Arb Volunteering Month 3

I was informed by the kids that pulling weeds is not as satisfying as lopping trees. Seth says..."The Trowelinators is just not the same as the Lopinators"

We pulled Dames' Rocket ( which I recognized that we had in our lawn) and garlic mustard. It was humbling to see how fast these invasive plants take over.

The photo is of the kids showing how many bags of Dame's Rocket they pulled. I believe the pose I asked for "Stand behind the bags and raise your trowels."


Beth Albright said...

Good job Weedinators.....could you come to my yard and check us out for these evil plants?

"Earth to Dave" said...

OK, let's keep playing with names... Yanksters? Rooters? Alien Stalkers? :-0

The great part is that being persistent over the years pays off. You will own the garlic mustard!!

"Earth to Dave" said...

Also, the Madison Weed Warriors, c/o Tammy Bieberstein, would be interested in your work.