Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Gifts Keep Piling Up

Things I've given:
  • A presentation to WI Donate Life
  • Fixed a "First Snow Breakfast" for my kids ( this is an annual tradition where we eat an all white meal in honor of the first snow fall)
And I gave something to Erica ( a friend at church, one of my favorite people)..I don't know what...

Erica said " I just have to say thank you."  But when I asked for what..she didin't have a specfic answer.

 So I said thank you right back to Erica "What ever it was, you're welcome. You just helped me out because I was just thinking " What did I give today?""

My friend Pamela took me to a soul rocking Christmas concert ( Madison Symphony). It was a beautiful gift...and I told Pamela that.   Pamela is gracious about both giving and receiving...she said "I'm so glad you enjoyed it."  As I become more conscious of when I am giving a gift...I am also realizing how many gifts I am being given each day.

For instance, at church when my kids left for class and I found myself sitting alone...Susan waved me up by her...and then gave me a big hug. As if I had been gone on a long trip and she was so glad to see me again.  Is that a good gift or what?

Photo Credit :Flickr katy/6364985

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