I was driving back from a training with two co-workers yesterday when I remembered " I didn't give a gift."
Sarah ( my co-worker who is leaving to take new job)
"I'm giving
you a gift."
My honest to God response ( which I am embarrassed to write) "No! I'm doing this challenge...and
I have to give something away each day" (ouch!)
One of the things the 29 Day Challenge reminds you of...is to be open to receiving. How can we give, if we can't receive? And receiving a gift graciously is, in itself, gift.
So my gifts yesterday were: a reminder of how to accept gifts, a beautiful handmade mosaic ( which I tried to capture on film...and after 10 photos know I have not done it justice) and, last and most importantly, a reminder of how precious friendships are.
A couple of years ago, I was at a meeting and they had us make a list of what we liked about our work. Sarah's name was at the top of my list. Sarah is leaving next week for an exciting new job.
What a joy it has been for the past five years to work with someone who is smart, dependable, creative, does more than her fair share (always!) and funny ( we laugh a lot at work). We will regroup at our work...you can't have beginnings without endings. And Sarah and I are already scheming about ways to partner between our two organizations...so maybe it isn't an ending after all.