This is how many plastic bottle caps we collected this month. You can't put them in recycling because they are a different kind of plastic than the rest of the bottle.
I have a hard time throwing them in the trash because I have seen photos of what happens when animals eat them ( I won't link to a photo) This is a problem for water birds...they see plastic bottle tops and mistake them for food. They eat them until their belly is full ....and then they starve to death. This is not something I want to be a part of... which brings me back to...what do you do with plastic bottle tops?
I just found out there is an alternative. AVEDA has recently started a recycling program specifically for bottle caps. They work mostly with schools but when I called they said I could bring in ours. In Madison, they are in Westgate mall.
If you know a teacher who might like to get their school involved, here is a letter to teachers that explains the program. Not connected to a school and want to find an AVEDA shop near you, here is their store locater.
For now we are going to collect our bottle tops and take them in every few months ( if you live near us, fill free to drop tops off at our place). In the fall, we will see if the boys school would like to participate. One more way to keep plastice out of the enviroment. Go AVEDA.
I've sent this on to the science coordinator at my school. There is no reason why barrels of caps can't be collected each month through a school collection system.
I have had a hard time with this issue for quite some time- standing at the recycling/garbage cans in my kitchen. I throw the bottle one way and the cap the other. Why??!
Nice solution and hats off to Avada.
A new Aveda Institute is going in on the first floor of our building - we obviously need to talk with them.
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