Friday, April 24, 2009

We should have been on Oprah!

Oprah did an Earth Day show.
Oprah Earth Day Lunch Challenge: Switch from disposable to resusable for your lunch box (or bag), water bottle and silverware.  To get us started, check she is gving us coupons

Sigg has a great selection of metal water bottles, metal lunch boxes and you can get water bottle cleaning brushes and exta water bottle tops. With Oprah's coupon you can get 20% off Sigg water bottles through 5/31.

At To Go ware, like their tiffins ( round metal food carriers), the side kicks ( small metal food containers..we use these for lunch box snacks , dips and dressings) and I'm thinking about getting their bamboo utensils ($10)  With Oprah's coupon youcan get 20% To Go Ware  through 7/30. 

She has two lists Oprah's 11 ways to save the planet and Go Green at Home. We do 17  out of the 22 actions Oprah's suggests!  Here is her list (and how well we are doing.)
  1. LED light bulbs ( so far we only have Christmas tree lights)
  2. Compact Flourescent bulbs (yes)
  3. Programmable thermostat (yes)
  4. Weather Stripping ( need to do)
  5. Drapes (could do better)
  6. LCD TV (on Marks’ wish list)
  7. Smart Power Strips ( need to check this out)
  8. Water aerator (yes)
  9. At home filtration ( so far we drink from the tap and use re-usable water bottles)
  10. Energy star appliances (yes to fridge, washing machine, heater and dehumidifier)
  11. Resuable cloth dish towels (yes and napkins too)
  12. Eco friendly cleaning ( yes, we use vinegar, baking soda , borax and Dr Bronners)
  13. Insulated water heater (yes, we dream about a solar water heater)
  14. Re-usable coffee mugs (yes)
  15. Ice cream cones instead of cups ( questionable whether we will save the planet on this one..but yes we do and both the boys are happy to keep helping on this one.)
  16. Cloth bags for shopping (yes)
  17. Reduce junk mail ( in progress)
  18. Recycled Toilet paper (we try to buy 7 generation TP)
  19. Delint the dryer  (yes and cleaning out the dryer hose made a huge difference)
  20. No VOC paint ( most of the time)
  21. Short showers ( I do a little better at this than Mark J)
  22. Turn of the computer ( yes)
Oprah's 11 ways to save the planet and Go Green at Home

Hat tip to Sarah Apple for telling me about Oprah.


Apple said...

Thanks for the shout out Julie!

Beth Albright said...

Printed out the tips so Jack and I can review- am sure there are some on here for us to get going on. Interesting info on the tiffins- but how would you then warm up the food in a microwave when you get to work? Obviously the metal can't go in the microwave?