Here is Mark taking our plastic bags to Copps. We are still trying to not use plastic ( boy is that challenging).
What we are doing
-Bringing cloth bags with us to shop ( we are almost 100% with this)
-Reuse plastic bags for veggies and bulk grains (we have some cloth bags that we use for this)
-Don’t buy food in plastic bags when possible. (This is hard with bread, tortillas, frozen veggies)
-Recycle plastic bags: our closest place is Copps. Although there are 30 locations in Madison.
What is Madison recycling: grocery and retail bags, newspaper bags, water softener salt bags, outer bags from bread and other bags labeled 2 and 4. ( we can’t recycle meat and cheese bags)
What happens to the bags? They are sent to Trex, Inc which makes them into plastic lumber for decks, outdoor furniture and fencing.
More info at City of Madison recylcing
Thanks to Willy Street Coop Feb 2010 newsletter for making this information available and easy to understand (I love Willy St) PS you can shop on line now ( and get your food delivered)